TikTok’s dancing chemist catalyses joy in students


TikTok; Chemist; André Isaacs


Chemist André Isaacs produces fun-loving social-media videos to bond with his Gen Z students and build an inclusive community.

Chemist André Isaacs produces fun-loving social-media videos to bond with his Gen Z students and build an inclusive community.

André Isaacs’ love of chemistry began at school in Kingston, Jamaica, inspired by his uncle — a teacher, who created fun ways to connect chemistry with life experiences. Isaacs earned his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 2011 and did a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley, before returning to the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts — his undergraduate alma mater — as a group leader in organic chemistry in 2012. As an educator, he mixes his family’s values and culture of joy, community and cheering on others to create a unique chemistry with his students. He has made nearly 150 short videos on TikTokInstagram and Twitter, showcasing himself and his students in performances such as recreating Rihanna’s 2023 Super Bowl dance moves in his lab (which grabbed the attention of the pop star’s choreographer) and celebrating the last class of the semester. With catchy songs and trendy dances, Isaacs spreads his love of his subject in striking costumes, encourages his students to succeed and urges other educators to build welcoming communities.

Some view social media as a distraction from teaching and research. Why do you invest time in it?

The usual image of a scientist is an old white guy, in a white lab coat, with no social skills. That’s an inaccurate picture. We have to break down those stereotypes. A lot of people belonging to minority sexual, racial and ethnic groups might not succeed in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) because the culture does not welcome them. In an era when science is under attack by politicians, we need people who can use social media to communicate it in an accessible way, including to people who aren’t researchers. We have to find creative ways to do that.


Spoorthy Raman






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