
Our website, podcast, and community show and tell a holistic story about Black men. Please connect with us on social media and follow us

Controlling Our Narrative

The Black Male Archives is more than a database. The website was started to highlight the many characteristics, professions, and perspectives of Black men. Our mission is to capture, curate, and promote positive stories about Black men across the world while inspiring and informing younger generations. Our vision is to change the narrative of Black men displayed in the news and the general media around the globe.

What’s in the Archives

Citations for News Articles (2000-Present), Scholarly Articles, Dissertations, and Books



Local History Index

Suggested use of the Archives

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Enhance the research experience for all users by demonstrating that they are represented in the community as well as in the database content and curated collections in your library. 


Reliable scholarly, peer-reviewed content to bring awareness and perspective to research. Deliver high-quality, targeted information specifically curated by librarians


Genealogy research allows one a chance to reach into their family’s past and learn about their history, previous ways of life, religion, traditions, dishes, and even events that have shaped a family’s past and present.