The Healing Power Of Black Men Being Vulnerable Together


Jourdan and Darrious; Brothers Talking


The way Jourdan Sorrell sees it, between microaggressions at the office, the threat of getting stopped or shot by police, and societal definitions of masculinity, Black men in America are in a constant existential struggle. With the stress of moving through a world that often sees them as a threat, there isn’t much time to decompress, let alone heal. 

Coincidentally, the same thoughts were on the mind of his friend Darrious Hillman, when the two met for lunch in Chicago in April. As they dined, Sorrell, a Comcast senior manager, and Hillman, executive director for CAN TV, a local public access channel, found themselves talking about the lack of a safe space for Black men to truthfully answer the question, “How’s it going?” 


Joseph Williams



The Seattle Medium


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